Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lessons learned from the FTC SOA/portal effort

This eWeek article captures the lessons learned from Bluedog's FTC SOA project. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) retained Bluedog in the role of systems integrator and software architects, to upgrade the ID Theft and Do Not call systems, which distributes fraud and identity theft information to a broad range of users and applications. It was the vision of FTC chief information officer Stephen Warren who was technology-savvy enough to have an idea for how he wanted SOA to be implemented and articulate that vision to his customers, the FTC commissioners.

Bluedog had worked on projects to SOA-enable systems at several government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department, so the company was prepared for the FTC project. We
had about nine months to complete the job. A lesson learned from previous work with the Justice Department was the need to talk with business customers to find out exactly what their pain points were; we then picked a half-dozen areas to tackle those issues using SOA-based technologies.

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